
Conversion factors

Oil equivalents (abbreviated o.e.) is a term used to sum up volumes of oil, gas, NGL and condensate. Such a total can be arrived at by applying a common property, such as energy, mass, volume or sales value.

The Norwegian Offshore Directorate uses a volumetric conversion of NGL to liquid and an energy conversion factor for gas, based on typical properties (*) on the Norwegian continental shelf.

* The properties of oil, gas and NGL vary from field to field and over time, but a common and constant conversion factor is used in the resource accounts for all discoveries and fields.


1 Sm3 oil = 1.0 Sm3 o.e.
1 Sm3 condensate = 1.0 Sm3 o.e.
1000 Sm3 gas = 1.0 Sm3 o.e.
1 tonn NGL = 1.9 Sm3 o.e.


Crude oil 1 Sm3 6.29 barrels
  1 Sm3 0.84 toe
  1 tonne 7.49 barrels
  1 barrel 159.00 litres
  1 barrel per day 48.80 tonnes per year
  1 barrel per day 58.00 Sm3 per year


Approximate energy content

1 Sm3 sales gas 40
1 Sm3 crude oil 35 500
1 tonne coal equivant 29 300


Conversion factors for volume

1 Sm3 crude oil = 6.29 barrels
1 Sm3 crude oil = 0.84 tonnes crude oil
  = (average for oil from the
Norwegian continental shelf)
1 Sm3 gas = 35.3 cubic feet


Conversion factors between various units of energy

    MJ kWh BTU
1 MJ Megajoule 1 0.2778 947.80
1 kWh kilowatt hour 3.6 1 3412.10
1 BTU British therminal unit 0.001055 0.000293 1


1 barrel oil 159 litre
1 Sm3 oil 6.29 barrels
1 tonne oil 1.18 Sm3 oil
1 Sm3 oil 0.84 tonne oil
1 Sm3 gas = 35.3 scf gas
1000 Sm3 gas = 1 Sm3 o.e.
1 Sm3 NGL = 1 Sm3 o.e
1 Sm3 condensate = 1 Sm3 o.e.


Updated: 18/12/2023

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