
8 – References

  1. Vurdering av gjennomførte prosjekter på norsk sokkel, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, 2013
  2. Lessons learned from UKCS oil and gas projects 2011-2016, Oil and Gas Authority, 2017
  3. 2018 UKCS Project Insights report, Oil and Gas Authority, 2018
  4. Resource report, discoveries and fields, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, 2019
  5. Study of field development projects on the Norwegian continental shelf, Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (carried out by Acona), 2019
  6. Prop 1 S (from Norway's national budget, 2008-20)
  7. Meetings with development projects, 2014-19
  8. Over Budget, Over Time, and Reduced Revenue, Over and Over Again – An Analysis of the Norwegian Petroleum Industry’s Inability to Forecast Production, MSc thesis, Erlend Mohus, University of Stavanger, 2018
  9. Managing the Efficiency of Foreign Engineering Contracts: a Study of a Norwegian and South Korean Project Interface, MSc thesis, Byungmu Ahn, University of Stavanger, 2015
  10. Guidelines for plan for development and operation of a petroleum deposit (PDO) and plan for installation and operation of facilities for transport and utilisation of petroleum (PIO)
  11. Spotlight on oil and gas megaprojects, EY, 2014